Thaddeus Stevens College Grows in Greenfield

Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology is a leader in providing highly qualified workers for Pennsylvania businesses. Founded in Lancaster in 1905 with 15 students, Thaddeus Stevens College has grown to nearly 1,200 students and 24 high-skill, high-wage technical programs. Its mission is to educate Pennsylvania’s economically and socially disadvantaged as well as other qualified students for skilled employment in a diverse, ever-changing workforce. Students graduate with the necessary skills to participate as citizens positively and fully in our community. The school has grown by establishing new and expanding several of its existing programs, including in Greenfield.
“Our Greenfield campus offers state-of-the-art facilities, proximity, and amenities our students appreciate,” said Laurie Grove, the College’s Director of Career Services. “This customized learning environment makes our College even more attractive to students as they train for today’s technically advanced jobs that are in great demand.”

State-of-the-art Facilities
In 2021, Thaddeus Stevens College opened its new Transportation Center located at 400 Ben Franklin Boulevard. In total, about 90 students are enrolled in the automotive technology, collision repair technology, and the new diesel technology programs in the facility. The 86,000-square-foot building has the capacity to educate up to 300 students across the three programs. Greenfield Architects Ltd. designed the building. The general contractor was High Construction Company.
Thaddeus Stevens College also provides computer software engineering technology, masonry construction technology, and welding technology programs in a 50,000-square-foot facility at 1812 Colonial Village Lane, where more than 15 students are enrolled.
A new road extending Walnut Street to Ben Franklin Boulevard will increase Greenfield connectivity with the Thaddeus Stevens College main campus and Lancaster City. Depending on the time of day, the road will save five to eight minutes from what is today a 10- to 13-minute trip. Construction of the road will begin by summer 2022 with targeted completion in fall 2023.
Partners in Education
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology is one of four institutions of higher learning in Greenfield. Central Penn College, Eastern Mennonite University, and Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences also have teaching campuses on-site. Taken together, the total college population in Greenfield is more than 2,000.
High is dedicated to increasing the capacity of career and technical education through its Bridge to Opportunity initiatives. High partners with Thaddeus Stevens College, Lancaster County Career and Technical Center, York County School of Technology, and other educators to help build the workforce of tomorrow.
The High Philosophy
Sanford H. High founded High Welding Company in 1931 with a keen focus on innovation and serving his customers — and serving them well. This came to be known as The High Way.
We are committed to two great tasks:
Building Trustworthy Relationships
- Valuing our customers and meeting their needs
- Respecting the dignity of all co-workers and their families
- Energizing our teamwork with participative management
- Recognizing and rewarding the accomplishments of our co-workers
- Strengthening our partnerships with suppliers
- Contributing to a world of beauty and prosperity and peace
Being Innovative Leaders
- Creating an environment for innovation since 1931
- "Right the first time" - High-quality products and services
- Investing profits to secure our future