Tips for Managing a New Career Transition

Have you found yourself unexpectedly between jobs? You may be thinking, I need help finding a job!
An unplanned career transition can be an emotional burden as well as a financial disruption. You might be in shock or denial. Especially now that the economy is reeling from the pandemic, you need a solid plan to get back on your feet.
Give yourself time to adjust.
This is not an overnight thing. It takes time, soul searching, and reflection. Think about what you want. Ask yourself: What are my interests? What skills do I want to utilize? What are my values?
Create a plan. Don't just go into it blind. Set goals and put them on your calendar. Monday – make edits to my resume. Tuesday – reach out to five connections. Wednesday – research a new industry. Take a steady, consistent approach. Start with two hours a day or three hours a week and build up your schedule. Finding a job is a job in itself.
Find help to ease the transition.
Begin a list new list of networks. Who are your contacts? Who have you met through your past work experiences, volunteering, board memberships, school/kids, church?
Begin a new list of networks. Get out of your comfort zone and begin networking. Go to chamber events, get involved with community organizations, find a group meeting. Take someone out for coffee – pick their brain!
Consider job shadowing. For example, if you think you want to enter the real estate profession, then ask someone you know who works at a firm or related business to observe them one day.
Google is your friend! Knowledge at your fingertips! Use it to look up different careers, businesses, and career paths. Now is the time to explore ideas and career change advice.
Clearly highlight your skills and achievements.
Craft your elevator speech. Who are you? What are your strengths? How do you explain your skill sets?
Is it time to go back to school? Consider taking classes or going back for a degree or certification. Learn a new skill—Excel, Zoom, Publisher, for example.
LinkedIn—update your profile to reflect your competencies and accomplishments. Begin networking online.
Be patient and kind to yourself.
Don't get discouraged. In today’s work environment, people change jobs more often as they look for an ideal fit. Stay positive and focus on the future as you're finding a new career.