Partners for a Sustainable Workforce in Lancaster County

The Lancaster County Career & Technology Center (LCCTC) is an important partner in High’s strategy to increase the capacity of career and technical education. Technical education can increase the vibrancy of our communities by providing graduates who meet the needs of employers. Employers, in turn, can offer viable jobs and careers that sustain families and the community.
Through corporate giving, the donation of time and talent from High co-workers, and generous gifts from the High Family, we invest in LCCTC to bring well-qualified candidates to our businesses and to other employers in this region. High businesses hire students from the welding program and high school students have done co-ops through the school. The Lancaster County Career and Technology Center is among the best career and technical education institutions in the state and strives to meet the highest standards of quality instruction.
Out of more than 80 career and technology centers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the LCCTC is one of only two with associate degree-granting authority and can offer students degrees in Automotive Technology, Veterinary Technology, and Dental Hygiene. LCCTC offers more than fifty adult and high school programs at degree, diploma, and certificate levels, covering dozens of highly skilled, in-demand trades and professions.
The Lancaster County Career & Technology Foundation (LCCTF) is an educational foundation that ensures the Lancaster County Career & Technology Center has the materials, equipment, and funding to provide the best in career training for high school and adult students. High contributes Educational Improvement Tax Credits (EITC) to the LCCTF and is an investor in the Foundation’s Workforce Talent Advanced Manufacturing and Transportation programs which support teacher innovation grants, scholarships, and workforce grants for LCCTC students, tuition assistance for adult students, and equipment purchases.
As one of Central Pennsylvania’s leading employers, High has a role in solving the problems facing our community. Supporting a strong and growing workforce through this important community resource helps solve these problems, lifting people up, and contributing vibrancy to Lancaster.
- Darryl Gordon
Darryl Gordon
Vice President, Human Resources / EEO Officer