How Should I Write a Career Change Resume?

Thinking of resume writing ideas that can help you land a great job for your new career right away? Our best resume ideas can help boost the chances of getting the job that will kick-start this new and exciting stage of your life. So, keep reading to find out the best resume writing tips for your career change.
Use a Professional Email Addresses
Using an unprofessional email address increases the chances of you getting rejected. So, you have to switch out that email address that you have been using since high school with a new professional alternative that you can create using one of the professional email providers, such as Outlook and Gmail. First, create a professional email address using your name — for example,
Make Sure Contact Information Is Updated and Correct
Soon after you've changed your email address, cross-check to see if the contact information you've provided is correct, as well as accurate. You might not want to miss an interview because of the wrong number you have provided on your resume. Additionally, it's unnecessary to respond to gender, religion, and race questions on an application. That's because most U.S. employers don't consider these aspects when assessing you.
Choose Resume-Friendly Fonts
While making sure that you use the correct font size is important, you must keep the resume font size between 10 - 12. This makes sure that whoever will read your resume doesn't have to squint, which reduces the chances of your resume being tossed in a trash can. Also, don't forget to choose an attractive and readable font such as Arial, Verdana, and Helvetica. That's because the right font can make your resume aesthetically appealing.
Give Your Sections Simple Headings
Regardless of the layout, make sure that the resume sections are visible. The point is to make important information easy to find. So, go ahead and give all the sections subheadings, and always make strategic use of italics, caps, and bold. But you've to be consistent with the choices you make. For instance, if you make one of the section headers bold, you have to make the rest of the headers bold.
These great tips will help you improve your resume, but one last thing - always remember to be honest. An overwhelming 85% of people lie on their resumes and this has made employers wary. Even if you don't have enough in your new career, your honesty will be a breath of fresh air.