How Has COVID-19 Affected Safety Culture in The Workplace?

In safety, we are each other’s keepers.
This phrase encapsulates High’s culture of workplace safety. We look out for each other, and we call out potentially unsafe behaviors.
Like so many other businesses, High was challenged when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. By adhering carefully to CDC and state guidelines, we have taken the needed steps to prevent infection of our co-workers and others.
When possible, High has enabled co-workers to work from home. Yet many High businesses involve production in our facilities and maintenance and other activities at our various properties. Here is what High Concrete Group has put in place.
Mandatory temperature checks. Before the start of each shift, co-workers report to a station to have their temperatures taken. Anyone with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher is ineligible to work and is tested and sent home. In the event of a positive test, extensive contact tracing is completed
Face coverings and hand sanitizer. High provides co-workers with masks and hand sanitizer and has made masks mandatory indoors and recommended outdoors.
Social distancing. Signage throughout our plant shows co-workers proper distancing, and co-workers are actively instructed and reminded to stay at least six feet apart. Stairs have been converted to allow only one-way traffic. And more than 20 picnic tables were installed to facilitate and encourage outdoor breaks and dining.
Sanitization. Trained third-party personnel regularly sanitize building interiors using CDC disinfecting guidelines. High installed touchless faucets, toilets, and paper towel dispensers in the bathrooms. In addition, High has supplemented our janitorial service for cleaning in the common areas of the facility.
The culture of safety that allows us to go home in the same condition in which we arrived at work is alive and well and helping us to stay safe from the Coronavirus.
-Phoenix Rann
Vice President of Operations
High Concrete Group LLC